U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, June 12, 2022. Speaker: Gil Bor (CIMAT, Mexico). Title: “Cusps of caustics by reflection in a convex billiard table”.

Time:         17:00 (Israel Time) Location:  In Room 614 of the Science & Education Building, University of Haifa and on Zoom Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/11wbNQ9drctg3GJjEHL784aCI9iAczSpRsOuPha69BFsCmeQl6KXclBCWauaFMNF.mJ2eReCfMakLrdia Abstract. We place a light source inside a smooth convex billiard table (or mirror). The n-th caustic by … Continue reading U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, June 12, 2022. Speaker: Gil Bor (CIMAT, Mexico). Title: “Cusps of caustics by reflection in a convex billiard table”.